Previously Published books by Jeanie.

Initially she published her management books under the name of Jean Civil marked * as the then Publishers thought that Jeanie seemed too flippant a name for a serious research bookon 'Sexuality at Work'.

Advanced Counselling skills    Human Touch Series 2012
Happiness at work -Managing People, Personalities and Pressure- Human Touch Series 2011
Practical Counselling Skills,   Human Touch Series -Blacker Design 2010
Stress Management (ISBN 1 904298 17 6) Your Personal Trainer series - by Spiro Press 2004
Assertiveness ((ISBN 1 904298 13 3) Your Personal Trainer series- by Spiro Press 2003
* Managing People Effectively ((ISBN 0 7063 7702 8) First- time Manager Series 1997
* Improve Your Management Skills ((ISBN 0 7063 7705 2) First- time Manager Series 1997
* Leadership Skills for Success ((ISBN 0 7063 7703 6) First- time Manager Series 1997
* Taking Interviews and Appraisal ((ISBN 0 7063 7704 4) First- time Manager Series 1997
* Sexuality at Work ((ISBN 0 7134 8370 9) – by Batsford Business Books) 1997

As a National lecturer in the Psychology of Managing People, working throughout the country, she wrote the following published people management questionnaires.

Management in a Nutshell series Blacker Design 1999

Discover your Civil Cameo of Characteristics; What is your leadership style? Managing Conflict; Your Lifestyle Management -Is it Personalistic, Sociocentric or Formalistic?

Salix publishing Ltd
Being Assertiveness- (1997)
Handling Conflict - (2001)
Everyday Counselling skills – (2003)
Bullying at work (2004)
Bullying in schools (2005)

She has also made three training videos for counselling training courses, filmed by Gogglebox.

Counselling training videos

Jeanie features, alongside her co therapist Brenda Mallon, who asks each of the clients after their
session what it meant for them, in three counselling videos of real life counselling sessions.
1   Pitfalls in Counselling; Common misconceptions.   A humorous example of how not to do it!
2   Practical Counselling Skills; Their story not yours. This demonstrates essential Rogerian skills
3   Different Strokes for Different Folks; - Alternative advanced approaches for skilled counsellors

A workbook accompanies the videos, which writes about the theory, and an explanation of what is
happening in the therapeutic session.(ISBN 1-903480-02-7)

These three videos demonstrates the practical skills of working spontaneously in therapy with clients,
who are seen for the first time with Jeanie, her having no previous knowledge of the issues that they
would present.  No cuts or any editing were made to the seen sessions.

The Different Folks advanced film shows how each person wanted to work on differing issues of inner conflict, cognitive dissonance,  bereavement; sexual anxieties ,relationship difficulties, childhood recall of  her previous country of origin and a different culture; psychosexual, and the guilt and regret of leaving children in divorce.

The Different Strokes, which is demonstrating different practical alternative therapeutic approaches
included, Transactional Analysis; Gestalt therapy; Neuro Linguistic programming,
Bereavement Counselling, Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Psychodrama.


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